Friday 22 May 2015


Extreme Activity Center

This week we went to the Extreme activity center in Swords. I really enjoyed this as it was different to what I would normally do. I went out of my comfort zone as I am scared of heights. When we got there we got split into teams. My team began with the super jump, where you literally walked off the edge of a height and land on the ground. This was really scary but it was actually so much fun. After this we did the rock climbing. We then did the archery which was good, but I was really bad at it and I have terrible aim. Then some of us went and did the zip lining which was really good. My favourite things were the zip lining and the super jump. Overall this trip was so much fun and I wish we could go back.

Friday 15 May 2015

Swim a Mile With a Smile

Swim a Mile

A few weeks ago we had a talk about swim a mile from Brian Daley. He told us a story about his nine year old son, Ian who was diagnosed with a rare and severe brain tumor. Ian went through lots of operations and chemo therapy, and became ill again. On the 24th of July Ian died, at the age of eleven. Ian loved to swim, so after his passing Ian's family and parents set up a charity event in memory of Ian, to swim a mile and the money raised from this would go to all of the hospitals and care centers that helped Ian, such as Crumlin Hospital. 
This Wednesday we went to the aquatic center to take part in swim a mile. Here we met Brian Daley and he separated the swimmers and lap counters. People who were swimming the mile could go in a group or by themselves, and they would then be assigned a lap counter. I really enjoyed swim a mile and would love to do it again.