Friday 9 January 2015

Young Scientist

Young Scientist
This week was our first week back after Christmas holidays. On Wednesday we started our new work experience.
On Thursday all TY's and second years went to the BT Young Scientist in the RDS. Here we got to see all of the different projects to help give us get ideas for our projects for SciFest. Three girls from our school had a stall at the young scientist, Aimee, Eimear and Emily.Their project was to test the best conditions for learning. While we were there we went to see a show with two scientists who showed us what it was like to be a scientist. They told us about metals, and showed us how to make metal out of two liquids. They showed us how metals can change the colour of a flame. They also told us what the 'big bang' was. Also while we were there, the band hometown preformed a song, but there was so many people around that I could'nt see or hear them, so i left to look around the stalls some-more.

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